All-on-4 Charlotte NC

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All-on-4 Dental Implants

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The All-on-4 Solution to Replace Missing Teeth

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An All-on-4 implant offers patients a new, full set of permanent teeth, made for superior performance with the latest technology.

Implant-supported, fixed dentures restore confident, beaming smiles with a prosthetic solution that requires only routine maintenance on a day-to-day basis – just simple brushing and flossing. Worn around the clock, this type of denture yields a stunning and sturdy smile

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Every step of the process is personally handled at the Harrell Dental Implant Center, where Dr. Robert Harrell is the Charlotte-area leader in implant dentistry, having placed countless dental implants, customized for each patient.

The entire process is completed at our location. You won’t be referred to an off-site specialist for any reason. We are a FULL service implant provider.

The Prettau Zirconia Dental Implant – The most advanced in the industry!

Prettau VeneersThe benefits of a Prettau Implant Bridge easily make it the optimal tooth replacement method on the market today. The key difference from other appliances is the Prettau Bridge is made of Zirconia, a material that is completely biocompatible with the body, more durable than any other dental substance and is tooth colored. The result is a permanent tooth-replacement system that looks completely natural, matches the function of natural teeth and requires no special care beyond daily brushing and flossing. With a Prettau Dental Implant Bridge you are assured of having a brilliant, confidence-boosting smile for many years to come.

The Outcome

Fastened securely into place by Dr. Harrell, your new implant-supported fixed dentures are removed and thoroughly cleaned during your regular cleanings and exams in our office. There’s nothing for you to take out, fiddle with, or clean between appointments.

For patients missing most or all of their teeth, the All-on-4 option is the best way to create a full set of exceptionally secure, durable, and aesthetic teeth.

Just like a single-tooth implant, it involves the use of surgical-grade titanium posts. Dr. Harrell uses four posts that are strategically placed through the upper and lower jaw, or upper and lower arch.

Once in place, the posts provide an attachment surface for a set of custom-made teeth. These teeth are much stronger and more pleasing to the eye than traditional dentures, and allow our patients to enjoy any of the foods they choose to eat, just as they did with their original teeth.

All-on-4 dental implants are also a more permanent and durable option than dentures, as the teeth can only be removed by Dr. Harrell in his office, where they will be cleaned quickly by the doctor’s assistant during your annual exam.

The Process

Two visits with Dr. Harrell are usually required to place the dental implants and the temporary denture. Fabrication of the permanent denture may take three to six weeks and additional healing time may be required, taking several weeks for the procedure to be completed.

During your first procedure visit, expect a 3D Cone Beam Scan that will show your jawbone, sinuses and nerves. We will review and plan the exact placement location for the dental implants based on this information.

On your second visit, Dr. Harrell will place the dental implants and provide a temporary denture.

The third visit is what we call a “healing” visit, when we will take impressions for the custom implant and the permanent dentures.

On your fourth visit, the permanent denture is placed on the implants and required adjustments are made.

Rapid improvement in your quality of life

The All-on-4 treatment concept provides patients with a fixed, full-arch prosthesis on four implants on the day of surgery. This quickly leads to improved patient satisfaction – with regard to function, aesthetics, speech, and self-esteem.

Shorter treatment times

This approach significantly reduces treatment complexity, the number of surgeries, and the overall treatment time compared to traditional dentures.

Lower costs

The All-on-4 treatment concept is not only the least time-consuming treatment option, but also the least costly in comparison with conventional implant treatments for those patients with no teeth or who are soon to lose them.

Stability even in minimum bone volume

Even in patients with minimum bone volume, longer implants can be used. This increases bone-to-implant contact, and means that implants can be anchored in better-quality bone.

We strive to exceed your expectations

If you’re frustrated with your dentures, Dr. Harrell can offer you the premier solution – a solution that feels as comfortable as your natural teeth once did. This fixed solution provides stability and comfort – two of the best reasons to choose the All-on-4 treatment.

Dr. Harrell is so confident in this alternative to traditional dentures that he offers a seven-year warranty.

Call today for a free consultation: See how your smile will brighten your face – and your outlook.

At the Harrell Dental Implant Center, Dr. Harrell is supported by a highly experienced team that is equally dedicated to placing an aesthetically pleasing restoration. His unique staff includes two surgical assistants, two full-time hygienists and a patient education coordinator who will answer every question and put you fully at ease during the entire process.

If you are ready for a happier and healthier lifestyle that blossoms from your new, beautiful smile, call Harrell Dental Implant Center at 704-206-1330 or use the contact form below to schedule a free, no-obligation smile consultation. During your consultation, we will create a complimentary digital smile “preview” to show you what you can expect when your treatment is complete. And, of course, easy payments plans are available through Care Credit.

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Schedule Your Free Consultation

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Tooth replacement is a modern reality. With the Advanced Technology at Harrell Dental Implant Center, we can give you back your smile and the teeth you thought were gone forever! Call us at (704) 206-1330 or fill out the simple form below and we will get back with you!
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