Hypodontia (Missing Adult Teeth) Is Easily Corrected With Dental Implant Therapy


Hypodontia (Missing Adult Teeth) Is Easily Corrected With Dental Implant Therapy

Hypodontia (Missing Adult Teeth) Is Easily Corrected With Dental Implant Therapy 670 360 wordadmin

Did you know that certain medical conditions and congenital factors can lead to some teeth never forming? Well, it’s true — the condition is called hypodontia and it might be more common than you would guess. The good news for anyone facing this challenge today is that modern dentistry provides an excellent way to replace missing teeth — in the form of dental implants.

To get started, read the following to discover more about hypodontia:

Hypodontia is an inherited condition characterized by developmentally missing teeth, without taking the absent third molars into account. In the case where there are six or more missing permanent teeth, the condition is called oligodontia. Anodontia refers to the condition where no teeth are present.

In persons of European ancestry, the most common missing teeth are the wisdom teeth (25-35%), the permanent upper lateral incisors (2%), the lower second premolars (3%), or the upper second premolar, with a higher prevalence in females than in males. The prevalence of missing primary teeth is found at 0.1-0.9%, with a 1:1 male to female ratio. Excluding the third molars, missing permanent dentition accounts for 3.5-6.5%. Similar trends of missing teeth can be seen in approximately 3-10% of orthodontic patients.

30-50% of people with missing primary teeth will have missing permanent teeth, as well.

In a systematic review in the Journal Of Orthodontics, the overall prevalence of hypodontia was found to be 6.4%, with the highest occurrence in Africa (13.4%). There is an increased risk of hypodontia in females than in males. Learn more from Wikipedia




We Have Your Smile Solution

Whether you suffer from hypodontia or have missing teeth due to injury or decay, Harrell Dental Implant Center can offer you everything from a single dental implant to an implant supported bridge to an All-on-4 appliance to correct your smile or, in the case of the latter, create a full-mouth restoration. Let’s take a closer look at each type of implant:

Single implant: A single implant can be used to replace one missing tooth and fill in a gap. The teeth on either side are unaffected. This is the ideal way to permanently fill an open space in your teeth.

Implant bridge: After two titanium posts have been given the chance to set in the jawbone, they provide anchoring points for a dental bridge that replaces multiple teeth.

All-on-4: This is a fantastic implant option that does the work of a denture, but does it so much better. An All-on-4 implant is a full-arch of prosthetic teeth that is secured on four titanium posts affixed into the jawbone. Forget about taking your teeth out at night or even worrying about them coming loose at an inopportune time. An All-on-4 allows patients with full replacement needs to regain the aesthetics and function they had with their own natural teeth.

Book Your Dental Implant Consultation

If you’re ready to have a brilliant new smile, Harrell Dental Implant Center can help. To learn more about dental implants and how they can makeover your mouth, schedule a free consultation with Dr. Robert Harrell. Call 704-206-1330 or use the contact form on our website to make your appointment. During your consultation a complimentary digital smile preview (an $85 value) will be created to show how you will appear when your implants are in place.
