Why choose Harrell Dental Implant Center?

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Why choose Harrell Dental Implant Center?

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Advanced Technology. Caring Staff. Concierge Experience.

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Dental implants are arguably the most important breakthrough we’ve seen in the field of dentistry in decades. For the first time, we can replace a missing tooth with a restoration that is nearly indistinguishable in both appearance and function. The days of having to choose between a handful of less than ideal replacement options are past. Really, the only thing you have to ask yourself these days is, “who will place my implant for optimal results.”

Based on a number of important factors, the best answer to that question is Harrell Dental Implant Center. Let’s take a closer look at some key points to see what sets us apart from the rest.


Dr. Robert Harrell, founder of Harrell Dental Implant Center, has two decades of experience with restorative and cosmetic dentistry. His move into implant dentistry was a natural progression of his practice and the ideal fit for his ability to create beautiful smiles. He has received the most advanced training and is credentialed by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

All work is done in our office:

Dr. Harrell’s clinical expertise means that all aspects of the dental implant process are completed in-house. From removing damaged natural teeth to strengthening the jaw with a bone graft to actually placing the implants, at no point will you be referred to another practice. The ability to provide one-stop care sets us apart from other implant providers in the area who rely on outside specialists to complete some portions of the process.

Follow-up and ongoing dental care available:

Along with being your implant dentist, Dr. Harrell can also provide your general dental care. Having the same individual treat your natural teeth and gums as well as your implants means you will get the best care possible. For example, if periodontal issues were to develop, which could threaten the stability of your implants, as your primary dentist Dr. Harrell is in a position to catch the problem early and initiate treatment. This is a major benefit over an implant factory like Clear Choice, which offers absolutely no follow-up care for its implant patients.

The most advanced technology available:

Harrell Dental Implant Center utilizes the latest technology to plan and perfectly place your implants. Our cutting-edge equipment includes the Sirona Cone Beam CT Scanner, GuidedSMILE Protocols for All-on-4, Dexis Digital Intraoral X-ray, Cerec Omnicam, SIROLaser, Sidexis Implant Planning Software, GuidedSMILE Implant Surgical Guides, Periotest Implant Testing Tool, and High-Quality Dental Implants. These are the most advanced dental implant tools on the market. We are committed to keeping up with technology to ensure the best experiences and outcomes for our patients.

Fears calmed with sedation dentistry:

If you experience dental anxiety, we offer sedation dentistry which will allow you to receive treatment in a totally relaxed state. We typically offer conscious sedation which is administered in the form of two pills taken prior to the procedure. For patients who experience a higher level of anxiety, we also offer intravenous sedation which puts the patient completely under. IV sedation is administered by an anesthesiologist who monitors the patient’s condition for the duration of the procedure.

Caring and judgment free staff:

Our office is a judgment-free zone. We assure you that we have seen teeth in every condition. Our concern isn’t the current state of your smile or how it got that way. Our focus is on improving your appearance with implants and other methods to give you the brilliant smile you’ve always wanted.

A concierge experience:

When you come in for your first appointment, you will notice the difference between our practice and other dental offices right away. Our patient concierge will ensure that your visit is comfortable and you feel confident in the plan we are putting together to restore your smile. Plus, there’s no guesswork at Harrell Dental Implant Center. You will leave your initial visit with a detailed, individualized treatment plan that will explain every step of the process step-by-step. You will know exactly what to expect and how much it will cost before any work is done.

Get your Free Consultation:

In the Charlotte metro region, Harrell Dental Implant Center is the implant dentistry leader. Our practice is very highly rated on internet review sites and we receive glowing feedback from our patients. If you are ready to have the stunning smile you’ve always wanted, it’s time to book your free consultation and begin the process.

If you are ready for a happier and healthier lifestyle that blossoms from your new, beautiful smile, call Harrell Dental Implant Center at 704-206-1330 or use the contact form below to schedule a free, no-obligation smile consultation. During your consultation, we will create a complimentary digital smile “preview” to show you what you can expect when your treatment is complete. And, of course, easy payments plans are available through Care Credit.

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Schedule Your Free Consultation

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Tooth replacement is a modern reality. With the Advanced Technology at Harrell Dental Implant Center, we can give you back your smile and the teeth you thought were gone forever! Call us at (704) 206-1330 or fill out the simple form below and we will get back with you!
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