Thank You Letter From Implant Patient Enjoying New ‘Hollywood’ Smile

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Thank You Letter From Implant Patient Enjoying New ‘Hollywood’ Smile

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We recently received this letter from Mr. Phil Perry, a dental implant patient. We are extremely proud to be able to improve the lives of individuals like Phil from all walks of life. The response his smile makeover has generated makes us all so happy. We couldn’t wait to share his letter with you.

Dear Dr. Harrell and staff,

I hope this note finds you all well and enjoying both personal and professional success. I wanted to give you an update on the amazing things happening in my life since the completion of my smile makeover.

Being a flight attendant puts me in direct contact with hundreds of people each day I fly. Having a beautiful smile that I am proud of has drastically changed how often I smile. I am amazed at how frequently passengers and crew members comment on my “Hollywood” smile. I even have dentists and hygienists commenting it, often stating that I must have one amazing dentist. They usually assume my smile was enhanced with braces and veneers.

In addition to enjoying my new smile at work, I also appreciate the looks and comments from others while out in public during my personal time.

During the summer and fall of 2017, I was diagnosed and successfully treated for prostate cancer. I went through a new treatment protocol which shortened the treatment time and physical side effects of radiation. I was in a group of the first 60 men to undergo this new treatment. Last month, I was selected by Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center to be highlighted in a magazine article about the successes associated with this new technology. Plus, I was invited to a professional photoshoot to take pictures to be included with the article.

I am honored to be asked to share my story with the doctors, staff and patients at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. I am sure my beautiful smile played a role in being selected. I have included a few candid photos from the shoot, I asked the photographer and his assistant to snap a few with my camera and phone.

In closing, I just want to say, Dr. Harrell, that your talents, along with those of your amazing staff, are responsible for the beautiful smile I am enjoying today. A heartfelt thank you to each of you.


Phil W. Perry

Harrell Dental Implant Center is the Charlotte area leader for dental implant procedures of all varieties. Book your free consultation with us today to learn more about the benefits of implants. Call 704-206-1330 or use the contact form on our website to make your appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.